This project mainly aims to:
*provide a chance to develop an intercultural understanding of bullying for the staff and the pupils thus tackling
earlyschool leaving and promoting equity.
*establish a more positive and moral communication quality in a European democratic identity and society.
*create an inclusive environment and give direction and guidance to school authorities and school personnel inpreventing and tackling school-based bullying behaviour among its pupils and in dealing with any negative impact within school of bullying behaviour that occurs elsewhere.
*create a common website through which all the members of the partnership can communicate and share their experiences, this way we will also improve the self confidence , social networking safety skills of the pupils and help them tackle certain bullying problems.
*set up an atmosphere where everyone can share their bullying prevention techniques through short films and role plays
*reflect and set down the best ways to tackle bullying in local&national and international levels.
*ensure that tackling bullying is a central consideration in all areas of the school environment and daily life.
*provide students with appropriate social skills, emotional management skills, and the ability to understand others'
emotions, to appreciate and forgive others
*explicitly teach pupils about the appropriate use of social media so that they won't come across online bullying
*provide an opportunity to learn and use English as a language.
Each of the partners will use an approach which ensures that all the activities and results are shared in collaboration. It is expected that the project will host around 120 students and staff during five mobilities in Hungary ,Portugal, Spain, Turkey and Italy in two years of project period.