Agrupamento de Escolas Nuno de Santa Maria

The Nuno de Santa Maria School Group aims to be an organic unit of reference, at local and national level, innovative in its proposals and pedagogical practices, as well as in the formation of critical, conscious and enterprising citizens, committing themselves to provide their students an education that allows them to position themselves in the world and prepare themselves for their diversity, complexity and unpredictability, providing themselves with indispensable information, knowledge, ability to adapt and overcome, to have a happy existence. It is located in Tomar, about 120 km from Lisbon. It has about 2200 students from 3 to 18 years old from kindergarten to upper secondary. The students of the school are distributed by 15 schools. 23% of them have economic problems, 7% are students with special educational needs and 19 students are autistic. There are about 220 teachers and 80 educational assistants.
We also have 2 psychologists, speech therapist and hippotherapy. In order to develop a broader range of competences in young people, schools in 2nd and 3rd cycles and secondary schools offer a number of clubs and projects in which all students can participate in order to enrich their cultural, scientific, social and physical skills. The group has experience in Comenius and Erasmus + projects, we have been receiving students from AFS for twelve years, having received a student from Mexico this year. We have organized exchange experiences with France and Italy for second and third cycle students. study visits to the European Parliament (Brussels), secondary school students, economics and the European School Club have been organized for several years.Throughout the current school year we have been developing a project in our school “Curricular flexibility” within the framework of the project launched by the Ministry of Education, which consists in including in regular curriculum different subjects that will enrich students formation.
Main people involved in this project:
- Two elements of the Group's executive body, experienced in project management, budgeting, evaluation, dissemination and internal teacher training;
- An element of the Group's treasury, experienced in the management of funds in previous projects; Erasmus Co-ordinator, (experienced in coordinating Erasmus +, evaluation, dissemination, validation of skills acquired - Europass Mobility), e-Twinning, School Education Gateway); Math/Science teachers - with large experience in subject.English teacher (experienced in coordinating innovations at school) ICT teacher (experienced in computerization of school, ICT tools, contacting with media),Drama teacher (experienced in theater plays) Music Teachers (with experience in the organization of concerts and other musical activities developed at school and in the community).
The key figures in charge are the contact person Luís Colaço and the legal representative Maria Celeste Sousa.