The winner logo

Portuguese logo was created by an Art student during last year.
The main objective of the logo was to reinforce what happens more often, especially at school: different kinds of insults.
A large part of the population criticizes the other for not having the same things (example: poor, rich) or even for the constitution of the body (fat, thin, tall, short), then there are also those who say "you don't know …this is dumb" or a person studies and knows a lot of things and still listens: "you know everything… you're a nerd". It doesn't matter what you really are because there will always be someone who will see something wrong and take advantage of it to be able to put you down.
The color red was chosen because it is a color that highlights and capture attention. It’s a dynamic color related to emotions, too. The flags of all partners have this color is common.
The name of the project is around the logo giving us the feeling of movement and action.
The dark characters with red eyes are like ghosts because sometimes insults get stuck in our heads and as if you always have someone talking in your ear. So,ghosts give that idea of ​​persecution.
The boy in the center, shows the pain, fear and suffering. It represents the person who is constantly being insulted by the others.