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Nyíregyházi SZC
Vásárhelyi Pál Technikum


Our institution is a Secondary Technical School. We have a great, creative, practiced staff 46 teachers and 530 students (66%boys and 34% girls). In our staff there are 30 high school teachers and 16 teachers of engineering. Our students are aged between 14-20. Our institution operates 7 teams of teachers for the different specific areas according to the subjects. We have human, foreign languages, science, form teachers, architecture, environment protection-water management and PE (sport and spare time activities) community. Of course communities closely collaborate with each other in devising the school plans helpingthe school management work. We have 4 different types of secondary technical school classes: 1 class for structural engineering, 1 class for civil engineering, 1 class for environment protection, 1 class for water management. They have special practical subjects, practical courses, laboratory practice and obligatory off-site practice in Summer. Beside practical subjects our community place great emphasis on culture and cultural heritage. Our school is situated in a disadvantage area eastern part of Hungary in the town centre of Nyíregyháza and it also has a vocational traning centre in suburb area. The buildings are in avarege condition.
We have about 200 disadvantage students but most of them are really determined and ambitious and after secondary school-leaving exam they can stay for higher-level vocational training and they can get technician certificate so they become useful member of the society.Students learn how to design and create new things and also English language is very important. This will help them to access to university and become architectures. Thanks to the practical subjects the students gain insight into a number of professional branches.
After secondary school-leaving exam students have the opportunity to stay for one more year and get a technician certificate. The school works with ÉVISZ DSE-student sports association, which provides sport opportunities for the students, soccer, track and field, basketball and volleyball trainings. The gym for those who want to play sports are also available. We want to stop bullying with social activities. We want them to realize that differences are essential to humanity and to respect different cultures and religions, to combat stereotypes and raise awareness concerning the dangers they cause. 
Contact person in the project is Judit Fabók is an English teacher and she has developed good methods for projects based learning and communication and intercultural competences, specialist in European projects like Erasmus +, Greksza István ITC specialist with good abilities in new technologies tools and Mariann Oláh – English and IT with knowledge about student emotions and able to establish good relationships with disadvantaged students.


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